A smooth and polished two-sided Clear Quartz massage roller. The larger roller side is best used for areas with more surface area such as the cheeks or forehead, whereas the smaller side is best used to massage around the eyes and nose.
Crystal Rollers are known as effective tools for achieving clear skin, reducing skin puffiness and even for combating wrinkles. Gently rolling the Crystal against your skin, particularly on the sensitive skin on your face, works by draining excess fluid buildup and stimulating the lymphatic system to dispel waste and toxins stored in your skin cells. By beginning your skincare routine with a skin massage, you're preparing your cells to better accept any lotion or medicine applied thereafter. Choose the desired Crystal species to infuse your skincare routine with genuine metaphysical energies.
Dimensions: 5.5" Tall by 2" Wide.
Metaphysical Properties of Clear Quartz
Cleanses and amplifies energy
Memory enhancement
Harmonizes all Chakras
Master healer